14 Day Challenge

Coming 1/21/2022

Join us for Lymphatic Massage, Breathwork, & Movement Classes for glowing skin. 


  1. Work on healthy skincare habits 
  2. Get support from our community
  3. Learn professional lymphatic massage techniques
  4. Practice into your most gorgeous skin yet


How does it work?

You will receive daily emails and post notifications from challenge Instagram Page @carbonnique.studio

You will  participate in live and on demand online classes with our instructors

You will share your progress with the community #skincareisapractice (take a photo and capture how you feel along the way)

We will be with you every step of the way to help you get to know your lymphatic system and its life changing power.

What do I need?

Your Carbonnique or beauty device of your choice

Your favorite Facial Oil or cream

Yoga Mat

An open mind to embrace what is coming


What are the benefits?